"Works great!!"
"Great soft. Thank you!"
"Migrated all my EML to MSG. Thank you! :)"
Dec 21, 2012 Happy New Year!
Dear users and guests of our website!
Happy New Year! We wish you peace, happiness, and abundant good health in the new year! As a little present, we switched mandatory registration off. From now on it is much easier to download our tools and utilities for Outlook!
May 5, 2012 We provide the best tools for finding and removing Outlook duplicates!In the newest update we've added to all the tools for working with duplicate messages, contacts, calendar items, tasks, notes, journal entries, the ability to specify folders with high and low priority to search for duplicates across folders. From now on, our set of de-duplicators have no rivals. Not to mention the fact that everything is free!
Due to numerous requests from our users a new tool: Update Linked Attachments. Now you can change the location of your attachments in the links to them. For example, if you move the folder with attachments, or moved to another computer.
We also updated OutlookFreeware.com Runtime to version 2.4. All known issues were fixed and performance improved in some usage scenarios. Please note: after the runtime upgrade you will need to update all installed utilities.
Mar 16, 2012 Extracting email addresses professionallyWe're pleased to introduce a new pack of free tools that automatically create new contacts and groups of contacts from email addresses in other contacts, address books and messages. It has never been easier to save the whole address book, create mailing lists, etc. than by using our new utilities:
A pair of utilities for saving email addresses from contacts to contact folder and group of contacts creates contacts and their groups by searching for email addresses in specified contacts and contact folders. One more pair of utilities provides the ability to get addresses from specified address books and addresses, and save those emails to contact folder and group of contacts. In addition to previously existing Save Email Addresses from Messages, we added two more tools: Save Addresses from Messages to Contact Folder and Save Addresses from Messages to Contact Group that simplify mailing list creation and managing even more.
In the latest 2.3 version of our Runtime all found issues are fixed and Runtime performance is improved as well. We also removed OutlookFreeware.com Outlook add-in's buttons to the separate tab on Outlook 2007 and Outlook 2010 ribbons by popular demand.
And yes, we have now more than 80 free utilities assisting you and your Outlook!
Oct 14, 2011 Redirect, resend and forward messages...
Everyone knows how Outlook forwards multiple messages: as attachments only. But now, with our new tool Redirect Messages it becomes possible to bulk forward messages or message folders! It's now also easier than ever to mass resend or redirect messages.
We also updated our Runtime. It's now 2.2.
Aug 3, 2011 A pair of new tools for exporting email messages
By your request:
Export Messages to Text Files allows bulk email save to human readable and easily searchable plain text files.
Export Messages to MBOX Format creates files compatible with mboxo, mboxrd, mboxcl and mboxcl2 formats. It means that data exchange with Mozilla Thunderbird and other Linux/Windows email clients is now even more simple.
OutlookFreeware.com Runtime updated to 2.1 version. All known issues are fixed.
Jun 21, 2011 Some more new utilitiesTo solve the annoying problem with fax numbers showing in the Outlook Select Names dialog: Hide Fax Numbers. Comes with complementary tool Unhide Fax Numbers. One more new utility can set any header (property) value of any Outlook items including messages, contacts, tasks, appointments and so on. It is also possible now to painlessly Merge Outlook Storages: with a click of a mouse.
By tradition there is a new bonus report. This time it is an Attachment Report. It provides the detailed information on attachments in your Outlook folders.
There are more than 70 completely unique utilities available right now on our website. Needless to say, all of them are completely free of charge.
Jun 13, 2011 Down with the duplicates!From now OutlookFreeware.com Utilities are able to deal with any Outlook duplicate items: messages, contacts, calendar items (appointments and meetings), tasks, notes и Outlook journal entries. You can move duplicate items to the folder of your choice, delete them permanently or mark with flags and categories.
As a nice complement to the de-duplication set there is a Duplicate Outlook Items Report at your service. This report shows the number of duplicate items in your Outlook folders.
P.S. We have more than 60 utilities now available for you for free!
Jun 3, 2011 Massive update of our utilities and a major Runtime updateWe updated almost all our utilitites. They became better, faster and even more reliable. We also updated OutlookFreeware.com Runtime. It is now much easier to use our utilities. Moreover, we fixed all known issues.
Of course, we couldn't hold out from releasing several new tools. This time we proudly present utilities for exporting and importing any Outlook items using MSG format (Outlook's native). In addition to messages (supported before), there are utilities available now that can work with contacts, calendar items (such as appointments and meetings), tasks, notes and Outlook journal entries. Great backup solution!
Note for existing users: you will need to download both runtime and utilities in order to upgrade to the latest version.
Mail Merge with Individual Attachments This article shows how to quickly bulk-mail from Outlook to a list of recipients with different attachments.
Delete Duplicate Emails in Outlook Microsoft Outlook is a popular organizer and a handy email application with many additional functions. But Outlook users are not immune to operational problems. One such problem is the repeated emails in the Outlook mailbox that occur due to errors or various failures.
Transfer Outlook Folders to a New Computer Microsoft Outlook allows you to move information to another desktop by using PST data files, or by synchronizing the account with an email server. But what if you only need to move certain Outlook folders to a new computer?
Move Emails Between Folders in Outlook You can create Outlook rules to automatically allocate emails to new folders. But to relocate messages and change the folder structure, Outlook does not offer automated tools. Let's see how you can move or copy emails manually and in an alternative manner.
18 Reasons Why Outlook Duplicates Emails, Contacts, Tasks, and Calendar Entries Duplicate Outlook items can occur for a variety of reasons. Unnecessary copies of emails, appointments and meetings, contacts, tasks, notes, and journal entries can appear unexpectedly and interfere with your work. In this article, we have collected the most common causes of Outlook duplicates and suggested ways to deal with them.
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